
Quantitative blood loss

Home Forums Archive Archive: Shared Configuration Quantitative blood loss


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    Does anyone have the configuration for quantitative blood loss? I recall seeing it on the site prior to this new format, but now I’m not sure where to look now. As I recall, there was a computation that had a ‘dry lap weight’ figured in, and the nurse only needed to add number of sponges and weights. Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help.
    Marilyn Nugent
    Mercy Medical Center, Des Moines, IA

    Andrea Tennison

    Excellent question. I would be interested in this as well.


    We are still working on getting previous information uploaded. We can email you directly anything you may need- please send the request to and one of the board members will send what we have pulled from the old site!
    Thank you!!!


    We would also be interested on any information you can share on the QBL. Can you also email us: and

    Thank you so much

    Carrie Snider

    Testing QBL after subscribing to post.
    Would appreciate any build guides or configuration reports if anyone has implemented this. Please email to


    Does anyone use a validated falls tool for OB, and if so, would you share configuration? The tool we use that was prebuilt in our GE system seems generic and our hospital would like to move to one housewide that doesn’t fit the need of our unit.

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