
Adding a bed

Home Forums Archive Archive: CPN General Adding a bed

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  • #741
    Karen Knoll

    It’s been awhile since I have had to add a bed. Can someone remind me what all needs to be done?

    Amy Kronberger

    Are you adding the bed to an existing unit?
    If so, in Designer click on “System” Tab and under “configuration” click on “beds”
    Copy a bed from the unit the new bed is being added to, name the bed whatever you want it named. If it is in the same unit, the unit and server will be selected, then add the acquires info, click “OK”
    PDSS on the server
    Pfils on the server
    PMS on the server if adding an acquired bed- remember when cycling PMS it will impact on tracings, so cycle when not busy and let the users know:)
    If you have any other questions feel free to reach out to me directly.

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